Brunner-Winkle Bird CK
United States — Air-taxi/sporting biplane

Archive Photos ยน

1931 Bird CK (NC914V, s/n 4004) c.2004 Fly-In at the Yankee Air Museum, Belleville, MI (Photos by John Shupek)

Overview 2

The Brunner-Winkle Bird was a three-seat taxi and joy-riding aircraft produced in the USA from 1928 to 1931. The Model A version was powered by the ubiquitous Curtiss OX-5, and featured a welded steel-tube truss fuselage with metal and fabric skinning. The wings, constructed of Spruce and plywood were also covered with metal and fabric skinning. The Model A had a reasonable performance for an OX-5 powered aircraft. The Model A’s ease of handling led to it’s entry into the 1929 Guggenheim Safety Airplane contest, where it was awarded the highest ratings for a standard production aircraft. The Model A was awarded Group 2 approval no 2-33 in January 1929 for the first nine aircraft serial no. 1000 to 1008. Aircraft serial no. 1009 upwards were manufactured under Air Transport Certificate no. 101.

Variants 2

Specifications (Bird Model CK) 2
Engine data for CK, all other data for BK

General Characteristics



  1. Shupek, John. Photos, copyright © 2009 Skytamer Images. All Rights Reserved
  2. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Brunner-Winkle Bird, Brunner-Winkle Bird, 11 December 2009


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