Advanced Aeromarine Carrera
Two-seat Ultralight Homebuilt Monoplane

Archive Photos 1

Advanced Aviation Carrera (N77DK) ultralight flyby at the 2008 Camarillo Air Show (Photos by John Shupek)

Overview 2

The Carrera is a two-seat ultralight aircraft marketed for home building. Designed by Advanced Aeromarine, it has also been marketed by Advanced Aviation and Arnet Pereyra Inc. It is a high-wing taildragger aircraft of pusher configuration with side-by-side seating. It is of fabric-covered tubular construction.

Specifications (Carrera 180) 2

General Characteristics



  1. Shupek, John. Advanced Aeromarine Carrera: The Skytamer Archive, Copyright © 2008 Skytamer Images. All Rights Reserved
  2. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Advanced Aeromarine Carrera


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