1937 Peco Airplane Pictures, Type 1 (R8-1)
Pechuer Lozenge Co., Brooklyn, New York, USA

Series Title: Peco Airplane Pictures, Type 1
ACC No.: R8-1
Manufactured by: Pechuer Lozenge Co., Brooklyn, New York, USA
Country: United States
Packaged with: Peco Candy Cigarettes
Number of Cards: 28
Card Dimensions: 1 5⁄16 × 2 13⁄16 inches
Circa: 1937
Checklist: Download


This is the first of two series of Peco Airplane Pictures that Pechuer Lozenge Company (Peco) issued during the 1937 timeframe. These package design cards were incorporated into the Peco Candy Cigarettes boxes. Each of the cards formed part of the tray holding the candy cigarettes and had machined perforations on two sides for easy removal of the advertising flaps. The color artwork of the aircraft drawings were simplistic. The image area of the card included two bylines: (1) A patent notation Package Pat. No. 2179376, and (2) a notation This is one of 28 different PECO Airplane Pictures.

Typical R8-1 Card Front w/o Side Flaps

The card number, title, and basic engine details are printed in a blue panel at the base of the card. The backs of the cards are blank. This particular set may be collected either with or without the advertising side flaps. With the side flaps is more desirable, but the cards are much more difficult to acquire. The reference card dimensions of 1 5⁄16 × 2 13⁄16 inches do not include the side flaps. The American Card Catalog number is R8-1.

Typical R8-1 Card Back w/o Side Flaps



  1. John A. Shupek: Card images via the Skytamer Archive Digital Image Database.
  2. Bob Dros: Card images via the Dros Non-Sports Trade Card Collection.

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