Vans RV-6
Two-seat single-engine low-wing kit-built

Archive Photos

Vans-Cohen RV-6 (N264JC, s/n 20591), c.1999 on display at the 1999 Camarillo Airshow, Camarillo, California (photo © 1999 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)

Vans-Harris RV-6 (N164DH, s/n 22370), c.1999 on display at the 1999 Camarillo Airshow, Camarillo, California (photo © 1999 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)

Vans-Hart RV-6 (N64GH, s/n 24683), c.2006 on display at the Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (Photos by John Shupek)

Vans-Owens RV-6 (N515L, s/n 22923), c.2006 on display at the 2006 Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (Photos by John Shupek)

Vans-Prokop RV-6 (N910TP, s/n 22910), c.2006 on display at the 2006 Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (Photos by John Shupek)

Vans-Saylor RV-6 (N25TS, s/n 21064), c.1999 on display at the 1999 Camarillo Airshow, Camarillo, California (photo © 1999 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)

Vans-Sobek RV-6 (N157GS, s/n 20480), c.1999 on display at the 1999 Camarillo Airshow, Camarillo, California (photo © 2009 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)

Vans-Sobek RV-6 (N157GS, s/n 20480), c.2009 on display at the 2009 Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (photos © 2009 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)

Vans-Sobek RV-6 (N157GS, s/n 20480), c.2006 on display at the 2009 Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (Photos by John Shupek)

Vans RV-6 (N157GS) and RV-6A (N628PV), c.2009 formation flight during the 2009 Cable Airshow, Cable Airport, Upland, California (photo © 2009 Skytamer Images by John Shupek)


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